Noel Vietmeyer writes

Noel Vietmeyer writes October 22, 2010

to fans of Norman Borlaug (who you can learn more about here):

Borlaug Volume 3 has just been published. This one covers the 1960s, the decade of triumph in which Dr B. goes from facing unemployment to lifting millions in India and Pakistan out of famine.

These pages expose dozens more adventures, surprises, and angels of deliverance as he rises from his career’s low point to its ultimate high. Expect more tears. And lots of cheers!

Like Volumes 1 and 2, the new book sells for half price: $10 per copy. Shipping and handling is $6.50 [for up to three copies].

If you’re interested, send me an email and you’ll have it in a few days. As the author, I can sign the copies.


Noel Vietmeyer

PS: Several readers have said that Volume 3 is the best yet!

I’m waiting for “Borlaug!: The Musical”

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