A faithful minion…

A faithful minion… November 30, 2010

sends along this vital protection from the eye of the State.

Available in children’s sizes. Adult sizes have the words in metallic ink so they show up in the x-ray machine.

The whole “We have abuse people in order to stop the ticking time bomb!!!!” thing is looking less appealing now that Caesar has started abusing his citizens. I wonder how long the torture zealots will be able to maintain the cognitive dissonance before they finally admit that “Safety Through Contempt for Basic Human Dignity” was a bad idea.

Some of the End to Evil crowd are still trying to maintain the lie, dubbing the TSA gropes “freedom fondles” (I am not making that up). But for most people, the neocon project of an ever more intrusive State promising utopian safety through Leviathan by any means necessary is now pretty effectively seen as the Faustian bargain it always was. A few idiots may still buy this snake oil. But once the State stops terrorizing foreigners in CIA black sites and starts terrorizing little boys at airports, sane people see the jig is up. If Caesar can spit on due process abroad, he will inevitably do it at home too.

And is. Only the most brainwashed neocon will stand for it. Enough!

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