A reader writes:

A reader writes: November 15, 2010

I just wanted to know what you thought about the following:

Marco Rubio, the ‘Catholic’ senator-elect from Florida, attends and ‘donates thousands’ to a hardline Protestant church

Hope to hear your thoughts on this when you get back, Sir.

This probably looks different to a Brit (my reader is English) than to an American conservative, including Rubio. Here in America, everybody is a Calvinist, including the Catholics (which is why we have huge arguments about something as stupid as “women wearing pants”). So you can find conservative Tea Party types aligning themselves with crazy anti-Catholics sects on one side of the culture war divide over against the pro-abortion Left, etc, especially as conservative Catholics continue to embrace the theory that “Opposition to abortion taketh away the sins of the world”. So Rubio can not only donate to, but even attend a sect like this and quite possibly detect no conflict with his beliefs as a Catholic. “We all believe basically the same thing” can mean, for an average Catholics” “We all worship Jesus” and (for an average conservative Catholic politician), “We all oppose abortion.”

Chalk it up to more triumphs in Catholic catechesis.

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