More Martyrs to Islamic fanaticism

More Martyrs to Islamic fanaticism January 3, 2011

in Egypt.

I’m with Kathy Shaidle. Let’s hear less about “Islamophobia” and more about Islamonausea. Everytime some Bronze Age jerk slaughters a bunch of innocent people we are a) warned about Islamophobia and b) subjected to Muslim whining about persecution. It is a religion that is stuffed to the gills with self-pitying bullies.

The only objection I have to Shaidle’s piece is that the guy in the video she posts does the standard cowardly sleight of hand whereby the atheist starts out attacking Islam and winds up saying “If you’ve seen one Abrahamic religion, you’ve seen ’em all”. He does this while sitting there as the beneficiary of a Christian civilization that, among other things, established the right to free speech and the science upon which his Youtube broadcast depends. I wish atheists had the integrity to acknowledge the massive debt they owe the Christian tradition instead of just parasitically feeding off it.

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