Murder Inc.: Filipino Edition

Murder Inc.: Filipino Edition March 2, 2011

A reader writes:

I am writing this in that I frequent your blog and enjoy your pro-life posts. I am writing regarding the current situation in the Philippines where a Reproductive Health law is set to pass. The law involves free distribution of contraceptives and limits the size of families to two children. More than two children would involve a penalty and even prison.

At this time, Planned Parenthood has arrived on the shores in the Philippines and is running an agressive campaign in support of this bill. Other western arrivals include the standard Protestant mainline denominations and various United Nations groups and non government organizations. Articles in support of this bill have even appeared in the New York Times. Billions in foreign aid have been dangled in front of and no doubt money has also been dangled in front of politicians, law makers, and shapers of public opinion.

The Catholic church is vigorously opposing this bill. However, as with elsewhere support is weakening due to a sexualized and anti-Christian entertainment industry.

I find it sad that nearly all western Catholic bloggers and online magazines are ignoring this. The church in the Philippines could use support from her brothers and sister in the rest of the world. So far, the only one I can see who is covering this is Michael Voris who is currently in Manila participating in pro life rallies and covering this for Real Catholic TV.

If you could spare the time, could you help get the word out on this? It would be a tragedy if yet another Catholic nation fell due to the money and propaganda of Satan’s armies while the church in the west ignored it.

Father, hear our prayer that the forces of evil would be turned back and this evil law defeated. Grant that Planned Parenthood and the western culture of death spend billions and lose it all in defeat. Angel of the Phillippines and St. Michael the Archangel, defend the us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, O Princes of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God thrust in hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Mother Mary pray for the people of the Phillipines that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit and oppose this law, while repenting whatever sins have made it possible for such a proposal to get this far. We ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.

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