Everything That’s Wrong with Combox Kneejerkery

Everything That’s Wrong with Combox Kneejerkery April 29, 2011

summed up in one conversation in my comboxes, talking about the Birther Insanity:

Reader A: I think you are on to something very important with this post. I was just talking with a friend the other day and we were lamenting how sad it is that in certain circles if you don’t think Obama is a Kenyan-born, Muslim, socialist you therefore must agree with all of his policies. I give an example: Another Catholic blog had a story connecting a lightening strike near the White House with Obama’s failure to issue an Easter Proclamation. I simply linked to Obama’s Easter Prayer Breakfast and observed that perhaps the prayer breakfast was done in lieu of a Proclamation. I added that it seemed that having a Prayer Breakfast for a holiday was more substantial than issuing a proclamation. Many commentors responded by assuming I defended Obama and all of his policies. Demanding people support your conspiracy theories in order to be part of the loyal oppposition to the President’s policies is almost as insane as the conspiracy theories themselves. It is no way to build a coalition and its no way to conduct public discourse. The lack of distinction between the two is an omnious sign for this country and its a shame some Catholics have been sucked into this mentality.

Reader B: No offense Justin, but you can’t be Catholic and pro-choice.


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