Roy Schoeman writes…

Roy Schoeman writes… July 6, 2011

I just wanted to let you know that this week I am the guest on the Messianic Jewish TV show “Jewish Voice”,  hosted by Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Bernis. This is the first time that I have been invited to speak before such a large Messianic Jewish (as well as Protestant / Evangelical) audience – the program airs throughout the US on a wide range of TV stations, both over-the-air and cable, as well as in the UK, Israel, and the former Soviet Union, and other countries. It is an exciting opportunity, because a very high proportion of Jews who recognize that Jesus is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah do not make it all the way to the Catholic Church, but end up in Protestantism or Messianic Judaism, missing out on so much that Jesus intended for us all.  This is a chance to reach them with the message of the fullness of the truth.

If you would like to watch the show, a schedule of when and where it is being broadcast is below. If you prefer to watch it over the internet, it should be up on the Jewish Voice website ( in a few hours.  The exact address is:

Even if not, I invite your prayers that many Jews, Messianic Jews, and Protestants watch the show and are drawn to the fullness of all that Jesus brought for us all,  both Jew and Gentile  – the Catholic Church.
If you would like to watch the show, a schedule of when and where it is being broadcast is below. If you prefer to watch it over the internet, it should be up on the Jewish Voice website ( in a few hours.  The exact address is:

Even if not, I invite your prayers that many Jews, Messianic Jews, and Protestants watch the show and are drawn to the fullness of all that Jesus brought for us all,  both Jew and Gentile  – the Catholic Church.

Now you know!

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