China: Demonstrating once again that Capitalism is Not Sacred Tradition

China: Demonstrating once again that Capitalism is Not Sacred Tradition August 2, 2011

I remember just last week, when people were extolling the greatness of the capitalist system because it allowed giant soulless corporations (for whom man was made for economics, not economics for man) to ship jobs overseas. Oh sure, it was an act of betrayal to the country in which the company resides (sort of). But think of the beautiful generosity of the company as it gives much needed work to the serfs it pays pennies in China, instead of the those greedy Americans who want to feed their families here in the US.

Only here’s the thing: those grateful serfs making pennies to work for Apple are rewarding the generosity of their capitalist masters by upping and committing suicide in large numbers. Can you imagine the ingratitude of those inscrutable foreigners? It’s like they don’t even appreciate the long hours and grinding poverty and oppression our generous multinational corporations bestow on them. What’s up with that?

However, the genius of the market unfettered by old-fashioned Catholic concerns about human dignity, the rights of workers, and concern for the common good is hot on the case devising a solution to the problem: Voila! “Apple factory finds answer to worker suicides… replace staff with one million robots

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