Prayer Request

Prayer Request October 19, 2011

A reader writes:

I am a college professor and last week a young man stopped in to see me while I eating lunch and reading your blog. He noticed the name Catholic and Enjoying It. He asked are you a Catholic, and I said I am trying to be. He said great. the next morning before our 8:00 class he asked if he could talk to me. He wants to try and discern if he is hearing a call to become a priest. He has said I respect you judgement and want to have you help me. So I would ask if you could say a prayer and ask your readers to say a prayer that I can help this young man. I have worked with college students who want to work with severely disabled children/adults, who have gone on missionary journeys to AFrica, Costa Rico and other places. I have counseled pregnant students, but this is brand new and actually is more scary than anything else I have tried to do. I want greatly for him to find a path he feels and wants without seeming to force in any direction. Thnks

Father, hear our prayer for this young man to discern the path that you would have him walk, that he would receive all the graces he needs, both internal and external to do your will and go where you would have him go. Grant your servant wisdom so that he may give good and wise counsel to this young man in accord with your will. Mother Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for them. We ask all this through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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