Gay Brownshirts on the March!

Gay Brownshirts on the March! November 2, 2011

So some nice lady in some little burg in New York can’t, in good conscience, sign a marriage license for a couple of lesbians who want to pretend they are married and who insist that everybody in the universe approve of their narcissistic charade. Nice lady doesn’t want trouble, so she arranges to have somebody else, who doesn’t have a problem playing along with overbearing narcissists, to sign in her stead.

Not good enough for the gay fascists who insist that all MUST approve of their metaphysical delusions or face their persecuting wrath:

The two women are threatening to sue the town of Ledyard, and the situation has become national news. Rose Marie, whom I completely support, said that she has been “battered over this in the media” and she can’t answer her phone anymore. She could lose her job because the law changed overnight with no consideration for conscience rights. And rather than just “getting married” now as they so wanted to do, the two women have declared they won’t stop until they get her to sign the license.

Stacy Transancos, who has had her own experiences with the persecuting, intolerant furies of the Gay Brownshirt movement, has the whole story.

Tolerance is not enough. You. MUST. Approve! And you must pretend that gay “marriage” is not an attempt to create a legal justification for smashing consciences.

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