When the Father of Lies lies, he lies BIG

When the Father of Lies lies, he lies BIG November 23, 2011

Case in point, this editorial by Scott Dibble, a graceless liar and “Catholic” pol in Minnesota who actually has the chutzpah to claim that the refusal of Catholics to knuckle under to state attempts to force them to provide abortion and contraception against their conscience, get this, “blatantly undermine[s] religious freedom in our country“. Also, the standard buzzword “extremist” is trotted out in order to whip up the troops to do their duty in the 15 Minute Hate on the Catholic Church.

I presume the 30 pieces of silver Dibble was paid for this naked lie will go into his campaign war chest. Because he is at war with the Church, along with the rest of the God King’s stooges.

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