Prayer Requests!

Prayer Requests! December 15, 2011

A reader writes:

I was wondering if you might engage your legion of pray-ers on my behalf.

I’ve been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that is rather painful and has a depressing progression.

Aside from that, I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!

Father, hear our prayer for your son’s complete healing through our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for him, his caregivers and all who love him.

Another reader writes:

Thanks again for posting my previous prayer requests; I know they’ve had effect. I’m still searching for permanent employment. I’m waiting to hear back on two interviews and I have a couple of opportunities over the next couple of weeks to meet with employers that so far as I know aren’t quite hiring at the moment but either may be soon or may be willing to make something happen if I present well enough. I’d like to ask for prayers that either one of these opportunities works out for me, that one of them lead to something else that does work out, or that some other gainful permanent employment in my area comes along. I’d also appreciate prayers that my mind stay open both as to substantive area and physical location of any opportunities and that I be able to recognize the right opportunity (and especially that I am not tempted into a bad job just for the sake of having a job).
I hope that makes sense. I’ll continue to pray along with the reader requests you’ve been posting! Merry Christmas!

Father, we ask that you would hear your son’s prayer for work swiftly through Christ our Lord. Mother Mary and St. Joseph the Worker, pray for him!

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