The Free Speech You Save May be Your Own

The Free Speech You Save May be Your Own December 1, 2011

Our neighbor to the North has no bill of rights, and so freedom of speech is not protected there. As a result, sundry enemies of free speech are using soft totalitarian tactics in the attempt to crush free speech there (which is being studied closely by enemies of free speech here). So if you value free speech please pay heed to the following:

I would like to start by thanking you again for the kind donation you made to my legal defense fund when I ran my first appeal just over a year ago in October of 2010.

Your support enabled me to keep fighting, without your kindness I would have been steamrolled by the lawfare suit I still face from Warman. Regardless of verdict the process itself is the punishment.

We have had some good news over the last year, the Crookes decision chief among them and others I am not at liberty to mention.

However the suit remains active and in fact is reaching a critical juncture requiring significant expenditures, so I must send out a second appeal for help.

If you like my blog and can donate 5 or 10 dollars or whatever you can spare it would be most helpful at this time.

You may donate in several ways:

1) By Paypal – visit my blog, and
click on the “Feed The Kitty” icon on the sidebar, or use my e-mail address

2) By Interac e-mail money transfer using my e-mail

3) By cheque, made payable to my attorney as “Christopher Ashby in trust”

Your cheques should be mailed to:

Christopher Ashby C/O Blazingcatfur Defense Fund
1013 – 8 King Street East
Toronto Ontario, M5C 1B5

Thank you so much for your support, whether by readership or by donation it means a great deal to me.

All the best,


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