You Are Not to Know…

You Are Not to Know… December 14, 2011

of You Know Who:

Sadly for the media blackouters who try to decide what you are allowed to see, hear, and think about, technology now makes it easy for you to know about things you are not supposed to think:

One of the reasons totalitarian regimes fail is that the Dear Leader surrounds himself with people who only tell him what he wants to hear. That approach can only work so far before reality intrudes rudely and the underlings who have been shielding the Dear Leader from it have to come clean. When that happens, reactions like this occur.

It will be interesting to see what the reaction is should You Know Who do much better than expected in the primaries. The studied “I’m not looking at you” schtick of the media can only continue so long should the actual voters go ahead and vote for him anyway.

Not that I’m making any predictions. I merely find it interesting how hard the media and party are laboring to Not See him.

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