For Damp-Handed Chickenhawks, Every War is WWII…

For Damp-Handed Chickenhawks, Every War is WWII… February 1, 2012

…and every enemy is Hitler. So murdering civilians is “wonderful” because, hey, it’s us doing the murdering!

In contrast, the generation that actually lived through WWII did not have a festering need to prove its manhood and a simmering sense of Generation Narcissus guilt for having taken endless deferments while they smoked pot and plotted to get rich off the public teat while sending others to suffer and die.

Because of this, we did not all die in a nuclear holocaust triggered by bellicose warmongers 50 years ago.

Let’s take trip down memory lane, as a reader writes to remind us:

Ahh 1962 in Mao’s China, like North Korea on steroids.
Some quotes from the Chairman Himself
“Do not be alarmed either if there should be war. It would merely mean getting people killed and we’ve seen people killed in war. Eliminating half of the population occurred several times in China’s history. The 50 million population in the time of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty was reduced to 10 million by the time of the Three Kingdoms, the two Chin Dynasties and the North and South Dynasties. The war lasted for decades and intermittently for several hundred years, from the Three Kingdoms to the North and South Dynasties. The T’ang Dynasty began with a population of 20 million and did not reach 50 million until Emperor Hsuan. And Lu-shan staged a revolt and the country was divided into many states. It was not reunited until the Sung Dynasty, some 100 or 200 years later, with a population of just over 10 million…. Not very many people were killed in the two World Wars, 10 million in the first and 20 million in the second, but we had 40 million killed in one war. So, how destructive were the big swords! We have no experience in atomic war. So, how many will be killed cannot be known. The best outcome may be that only half of the population is left and the second best may be only one-third. When 900 million are left out of 2.9 billion, several five-year plans can be developed for the total elimination of capitalism and for permanent peace. It is not a bad thing”. (Mao’s Second Speech to the Party Congress, May 17, 1958)

“I have said that all the reputedly powerful reactionaries are merely paper tigers. The reason is that they are divorced from the people. Look! Was not Hitler a paper tiger? Was Hitler not overthrown? I also said that the tsar of Russia, the emperor of China and Japanese imperialism were all paper tigers. As we know, they were all overthrown. U.S. imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atom bomb. I believe it also will be overthrown. It, too, is a paper tiger.”

Also killed upward of 40,000,000 of his own countrymen, way more than Iran. Total population: 680 million! Way more than Iran!
So lets get out of the way that in 1964 China was an aggressive Communist state fomenting insurrections worldwide (Vietnam, Congo, Peru, Thailand, Nepal) that directly threatened its neighbors, was ruled by a dictator with delusions of godhood, who would gladly sacrifice millions of his people jus to prove a point.
Clearly such a state could not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons and ICBMs, they’d destroy the world!

So of course you remember when;

We blew up Qian Xuesen in his car at Caltech, because if the Chinese built ICBMs they’d murder us all. Good thing they never developed those, or none of us would be here today!

In a coordinated action, American, French, and British intelligence assassinated Deng Jiaxian at Purdue, Qian Sanqiang at the Curie Labs, and Peng Huanwu at Edinburough, respectively.

Because if the Mao’s China had ever built the A-bomb, they would have used it immediately to destroy us!

Oh, and remember that time we poisoned Yu Min’s tea in the faculty lounge of the Math Department at Beijing U? Because even if they did not use the A-bomb, they certainly would have dropped the H-bomb if they ever had it.
Luckily China never developed either bombs or missiles, thanks to our heroic targeted killing of “enemy combatants” who were in the service of Mao.

[Guide to names:
Qian Sanqiang: Student of Rene Joliot Curie, 1946 winner of the Henry de Parville Award for Physics offered by the French Academy
Peng Huanwu: Father of the Chinese A-bomb, Student of Max Born, discoverer of Cosmic rays at Edinburough, totally cheated out of Nobel prize
Deng Jiaxian: Head of the Chinese Uranium enrichment and plutonium production programs, as well as studies in neutronics and hydrodynamics of both
Qian Xuesen: Founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the US, Father of the Chinese Space Program
Yu Min: Mathematician, father of Chinese H-bomb: Described by former head of Los Alamos Foreign Programs Intelligence, Dr. Danny Stillman, as “extraordinarily talented” (an understatement: he is the Freeman Dyson of China, doesn’t have a PhD, doesn’t need a PhD)

Somehow we made it through the Cold War without going to war with China. But Iran is just about to destroy us and we all need to panic. The drumbeats for war from our Ruling Class get louder each day.

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