More sensationalist claims…

More sensationalist claims… February 9, 2012

from highly unreliable source Fr. Gabriele Amorth–claims which are, by the by, denied by the Vatican.

This is, after all, the man who claims to have performed 30,000 exorcisms–nine a day including Sundays, for a nine year periods, as well as the man who claims to know for sure that all the Nazis and all the Communists–all of them–were demon-possessed. He also delivers himself of the opinion that you are a fool if you hesitate to believe in, but instead very sensibly wait, for the Church’s approval of the bogus “apparitions” at Medjugorje.

For some reason, this extremely loose canon has been elevated to the status of yet another conservative Catholic folk hero whose erratic opinion constitutes yet another alternative magisterium for people looking for something more exciting than what the Faith actually offers.

My suggestion: stop anointing folk heros and elevating them to a higher source of revelation than the Church.

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