It turns out the former head of Mossad…

It turns out the former head of Mossad… March 12, 2012

also thinks pre-emptive (read: “unjust”) war would have disastrous results–for Israel. Who knew Mossad was run by pro-mullah anti-semites?

Meanwhile, an opposition leader in Iran notes that Iranians, who are remarkably like human beings, have this bizarre tendency to solidify behind their leaders when foreigners start dropping bombs on them and that, because of this inexplicable patriotism and love of their homeland, an attack on Iran would be a “gift from God for the mullahs“. Me: I’d like to see the mullahs gone and their opposition, which seems to want out of the Bronze Age, take their place. Indeed, I even remember that, crazy as it sounds, something similar happened in our country after 9/11 with people like Rosie O’Donnell thanking God that George Bush and not Al Gore was president and getting in line to support their leadership in the face of huge violence done to their country. And so, since this tendency to put patriotism over factional differences does seem to be exhibited even by nearly-human Iranians, I think it inadvisable to plunge into unjust pre-emptive war with them, for much the same reason it was unwise for Japan to launch a pre-emptive war against us. Even near-humans can exhibit almost American levels of pique when you kill their wives and children in large numbers unjustly. And if Russia doesn’t appreciate your chickenhawk class’ election year need to look tough and throw some crappy little country against the wall just to show you mean business, you might discover that China wasn’t just whistling dixie when she warned of WWIII as a result of your rash pre-emptive war.

Speaking of China, it may pay for our chickenhawk classes to stop watching WWII movies and pretending every foe is Hitler and note what the politicians who fought WWII actually did when a murderous regime got the bomb. Instead of conflating brutality with courage and bravely sending other people to die in a war with China, or going all Dr. Strangelove on their nuke facilities, they learned to negotiate and avoided WWIII. True, we had our proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam (the latter resulting in Iraq levels of success for us). But the Cold Warriors were not dumb enough fall for the Ledeen doctrine with China or Russia, and fought the Commies with other means than pre-emptive war. Result: Communism has collapsed or been seriously co-opted (though China manages to combine the ugliest features of both communism and capitalism now). Still and all, that’s better than some Gotterdammerung courtesy of damp-handed Generation Narcissus draft dodgers plunging us into another war to prove to Daddy that they are men too.

The real men (and women) are the people like the brave and honorable folks I ‘ve met at various military bases in my travels, who have been shoveled around like concrete by these geopolitical geniuses for the past 10 years and who have endured family trauma, death, watching loved ones get buried in land fills by a grateful ruling class, family members unable to discuss what they have endured on the battlefield, unemployment upon retirement, and multiple endless deployments back in to futile and pointless attempts to build the Great Society abroad while watching their benefits get cut down to nothing at home–with the added chutzpah from their greedy and traitorous ruling swine that further sacrifice on their part will inspire people. I think a far better system would be for every elected member of the Federal Government to be stripped of everything they have gained beyond their salary since their election and the money to be place into a fund for our vets and active service military and their families. But then, I also think it would be cool to see pigs fly.

Human beings are only flesh and blood and our Ruling Classes can only abuse our troops for so long before a day of reckoning arrives.

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