Jerry Coyne is one of those people that stupid people think of as brilliant

Jerry Coyne is one of those people that stupid people think of as brilliant March 19, 2012

Ardent proponent of Freedom from Religion.

Ardent proponent of Freedom of Choice.

And Philosopher King who is bent on persuading you–think about that for a minute, Jer–that there is no such thing as freedom.

A friend notes that the Chronicle is running a spate of this crap and adds, “apparently something moved the worthy editors there to start advancing this argument”

Given that our Ruling Class is ramping up the war on religious liberty, freedom of speech and freedom of the press, this seems to be a propitious time for lickspittles and court prophets in the academy to start ginning up the machine for providing intellectual cover for all this. The Chronicle is just showing they know which side their bread is buttered on. I nominate them for the Heidegger Award for Most Accomplished Intellectual Prostitution in the Service of Power. It’s a a little statuette of Grima Wormtongue on top.

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