Leah Libresco…

Leah Libresco… June 8, 2012

…my favorite atheist, asks for help with her Ideological Turing Test:

I’ve got all the Christian Round answers up and now I need Christians to judge them! Last year, you were a big help recruiting participants. Here’s the precis of how this works:

In a normal Turing Test, people try and write a computer program that sounds so much like a human that people can’t tell it’s a computer. In an Ideological Turing Test, people try to imitate their ideological opponents well enough to pass for them. A lot of religious arguments get bogged down because we’re just making fun of a strawman, not our opponents true beliefs. The ideological Turing Test is a nice way to check how well you understand the people you disagree with.

In round one atheists gave honest answers to a set of prompts, and Christians tried to answer as an atheist would. Atheists read the entries and tried to spot the fakes. Now I need Christian voters to read the second round of entries , where Christians are sincere and atheists are shamming. Can you pick out the imitators?

If you love productive fights or large sample sizes, please help me out!

Leah: You’re on. Three comments.

Me: I’m thinking somewhere in the range of five to 10 comments. I’ll pick seven.

What are the stakes?

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