All Entries in the 2012 Christian Round

All Entries in the 2012 Christian Round June 3, 2012

In a conventional Turing Test, computer programmers try to write a computer program that can pass for human.  In the Ideological Turing Test, atheists and Christians test how well they understand each other by trying to talk like each other.  All the entries in the Christian round are collected below, and you can click on each link to read the entry to decide whether you think the author is sincere or shamming.

Make sure you vote before you read the comments on individual entries; they’re open for speculation.

  1. Christian Entry #1
  2. Christian Entry #2
  3. Christian Entry #3
  4. Christian Entry #4
  5. Christian Entry #5
  6. Christian Entry #6
  7. Christian Entry #7
  8. Christian Entry #8
  9. Christian Entry #9
  10. Christian Entry #10
  11. Christian Entry #11
  12. Christian Entry #12
  13. Christian Entry #13


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