It is possible to think different

It is possible to think different July 30, 2012

How can you argue with the testimony of Catwoman?

I find Ron Paul the youngest thinking of all the candidates. Young people don’t carry the baggage of years of careless decision making. Many of us didn’t like Romney’s rise to power and prestige on the backs of workers, all the time further disenfranchising the powerless, the underdog. Nor are we happy with Obama who saved his skin at the expense of the entire middle class by not standing firm and tough against the avaricious gamblers in our financial markets.

I like Ron Paul because he changes my mind about things, makes me think in ways I haven’t before. I confess he’s even able to change my long-ago made-up mind about abortion. Now that’s moving a mountain. He shows me there’s perhaps a better way to think about the unthinkable.

Both parties sicken the daylights out of most of us. But I could tolerate a man who has such a refreshing sense of right and wrong, rule of law.

You don’t *have* to vote for the two wholly owned hairballs our system has barfed up for you to rubber stamp. You can vote for whoever you want.

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