Keep Telling Yourself, This Man Is Barking Nuts…

Keep Telling Yourself, This Man Is Barking Nuts… July 31, 2012

…and the only possible choice for sane people is to vote for Obamney, who will continue the sound and sensible policies of Caesarocorporate Empire and Police State that have made us so secure, prosperous and confident about the future. This man lives in cloud cuckoo land out of touch with reality, but the Party of Indefinite Detention and Unilateral Murder and the Party of More War and Deficits (but I repeat myself) are sober realists and they are our only choices. It’s one grave evil or the other. We must not think outside the box. And we must cheer that the Just, Wise, and Good Party Elders have forbidden this man to speak. Our task is to applaud the wisdom of our betters and get behind Obamney. If there is anything the gospel is clear about, it’s that Christians have an absolute duty to knuckle under to principalities and powers and willingly support grave evil when the State tells us to.

“We have no king but Caesar,” said no apostle, ever.

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