Prayer Request

Prayer Request July 20, 2012

A reader writes:

I have a prayer request that came through a friend of mine. Her daughter is pregnant, and during her 3rd trimester, the baby was diagnosed with achondroplasia, more commonly known as dwarfism. The family is heartbroken about this, and there has been much talk about choosing to abort if they had known about this condition before the 3rd trimester. She is afraid she will not grow to love her baby because she won’t be perfect, and the 2 little girls in the family are afraid their “dwarf sister” will be made fun of and won’t have any friends.

They have asked for people to pray for them! Mom is due to have a C-section in August because there are complications giving birth to kids with achondroplasia because of the size of the head.
There is a lot of fear here and they will need a lot of support. Please ask Our Lady to intercede for them.

Father, hear our prayer for this beautiful baby and for her mother that she would choose life for her. Grant her health, happiness, love and long life by the intercession of Mother Mary. Give her a family that welcomes and loves her into a grace-filled and full life and discovers your joy and hope in doing so. We ask all this through Christ our Lord.

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