Urgent Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request September 18, 2019

A reader writes:

6.5-month-old Isaac is going in for surgery tomorrow or very shortly thereafter (pending some preparatory information-gathering procedures). This is the second of three major heart procedures that doctors believe to be necessary for his longer-term stability (the first was performed the day he was born). This is mixed news: on the one hand, it is amazing that he’s grown strong enough to qualify for the surgery at all (back in May, it was thought to be all but certain that he would die long before reaching this stage); on the other hand, it’s a high-risk procedure with uncertain outcomes, and he has not shown himself to handle anaesthetic well in the past. Please be praying, and if you could also ask your readers to be praying in the coming days, that would be a great blessing.

Father, hear our prayer for Isaac’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit. Give his caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, skill, creativity, insight, understanding and the proper technology to assist in his healing and give him and all who love him grace, peace, consolation, strength, provision, faith, hope, and love. Mother Mary and St. Luke, and St. Isaac the Great, pray for him. We ask all this through your Son, Jesus Christ.

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