Your Chance to Do a Work of Mercy!

Your Chance to Do a Work of Mercy! October 13, 2012

A reader writes:

My name is Taryn Watkins. For the last several years I have been discerning my call to religious life and I hope to join the Discalced Carmelites.  I am currently working to pay off my student loans because in order for me to enter, I need to be debt free. This is why I am in need of your help. Will you prayerfully consider buying one of my paintings online or offering a donation to help me fulfill my vocation? I have created a blog,, that I would love for you to take a look at and share it with anyone and everyone you know because I very much desire to enact God’s call quickly! I am an artist myself and I have made some prints of a painting of Our Lady because I place my vocation and the way in which that will be realized in her hands. Please consider purchasing one of my prints for yourself or a friend, they would make a great Christmas present this season!

Oremus pro invicem,
Taryn Watkins

The worker is worth her wages.

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