Prayer Requests and Praise Report

Prayer Requests and Praise Report January 17, 2013

A reader writes:

This past weekend I was the victim of a violent crime—a home invasion to be precise. A young man got into my apartment under false pretenses and because I slipped up. He pulled a gun on me, demanded cash, drugs, and jewelry (none of which I had), tied me up, stole my wallet and cell phone, and threatened to kill me repeatedly. He threatened to come back if I called the police. I was able to escape and call for help. Many people have complimented me on my courage and presence of mind, but I attribute my survival solely to the Grace of God and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother.

As you might expect, I am having difficulty with all of this. There’s a strong possibility I was targeted because I have a disability and live alone. I’ve curtained off all my windows, which makes me feel as if I’m in a cave. I’m nervous about going outside by myself. I pray for the grace and courage to rebuild my life. I pray that the man who did this will be caught and brought to justice, but I also pray that he will have the opportunity to turn his life around before he winds up dying a violent death and facing justice far more severe than anything humans can dish out.

Father, hear our prayer for this man and his attacker.  Help my reader to heal in body, soul and spirit.  Thank you that his heart is full of such charity, a sure sign of your Presence in his his life.  Grant that his intercession on behalf of his attacker will be heard and that man will be saved and become a saint and ornament to your Kingdom, as my reader is.  Send my reader people who can love and care for him, surround him with your guardian angels, and protect him from all further harm.  Mother Mary and St. Michael, pray for him.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Note to readers: tempting as it is to drag the whole gun debate into this thread, please refrain from doing so.  This space is reserved for prayer.  There are other places to argue that matter.  You respect for this is appreciated.

Another reader writes:

Some while back you folks offered prayers for newborn Colin Michael, who was about to undergo heart surgery. With the attached picture, the little guy waves hello to all the people who were pulling for him. There are other surgeries to follow, but so far, so good, and you deserve the good news as much as the requests. His grandmother writes:

Hi Everyone, This is the latest and happiest update on my grandson, Colin Michael. I am including a picture of him since he is finally tube/wire-free. My son and family will be staying in Palo Alto in order for Colin to have consistent care from the team and to prepare him for his next surgery. I am so grateful for all your kind words and prayers. I hope to get out there to meet him soon. I hope all of you are well, healthy, and happy. With my grateful appreciation and love~~~~

Colin’s Family and Friends

Well everyone, we have some exciting news. Colin Michael Reilly was discharged from the hospital on Monday, January 14, 2013!

Colin spent the first 75 days of his young life inside the walls of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital being cared for by some of the most wonderful health care professionals on the planet. We are eternally grateful.

Emilia, Mom and Dad (and Grandma) are quickly adjusting to having Colin at home. Emilia has been unbelievably warm and affectionate towards Colin now that she understands “baby brother” does not live at the hospital any longer.

Anne and I want everyone to share in our joy. Colin’s phase-one surgical and recovery phase would have been more difficult to get through without the support of our families, people we met along the way (some very special people), and the caring, warm thoughts and words from each member of this group. Thanks to all of you!

We know Colin has more challenges ahead. His next cardiac cath is scheduled for Feb 8th and timing of his next surgery should be determined shortly thereafter. But, until then, there will be plenty of “tired” smiles here as we finally begin to enjoy Colin here – at home.

Good night and God Bless. Pictures on the way!

Well done, troops! Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ for Colin’s healing and progress.

By the way, don’t forget to keep praying for Jen Fulwiler and her baby.

Finally, a reader writes:

I received a call from my brother today. His son, a young man in his early 20’s, was instantly killed in a car crash this morning. My brother and his wife are Christian. Please pray for them and my nephew, and please ask your readers to remember them in prayer.

Father, grant eternal rest to this man and grace, peace, strength, and hope to his parents and all who love him through Christ our Lord. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for him and them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Father, let your Name be glorified in good times and bad through Christ our Lord.

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