Way to go Troops! And Thanks be to God!

Way to go Troops! And Thanks be to God! February 27, 2013

A reader writes:

Last summer I wrote you about my grandson, Sam, (now 12), who was diagnosed with leukemia on July 5. You were so kind as to mention him twice and suggest that people contribute to support the family. It was all very appreciated. Treatment for the leukemia that Sam has involves three stages. The first is to get the person into remission, the second is an intense round, and finally, and longest, lasting about 2-1/2 years, is maintenance, which consists of oral chemo given at home. Sam has just today finished the intense stage. He has responded well to the chemo, and looks forward to going to school after a period of allowing his immunity to build back again. God has blessed this family in so many ways over these past months. We thank those who have prayed for him, and ask that they continue to remember him and his family. We also thank those who contributed monetarily. We will never know your names in this life, but we praise God for you.

Thank you again, Mark. When things get busy, and I don’t have time to read all of your posts, I always take time with the prayer requests. What a wonderful blessing it is for your readers.

Father, thank you for the work you are doing in Sam’s life and for the healing he has received so far. Hear our prayer for his complete healing. And thank you for the reader who so faithfully pray according to your will! God bless our family in Christ! Mother Mary, pray for Sam and all who love him and are caring for him. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

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