Prayer Request

Prayer Request June 3, 2013

A reader writes:

Would you mind asking your readers to pray for the repose of the soul of Molly Conley and for her family?  She’s the young lady who was shot and died in Lake Stevens over the weekend.  Her family is in our parish and she graduated from our parish school last year.  Please pray also that we can come together as a community to help everyone who is grieving the loss, especially the sad and confused kids at OLF and Blanchett and the adults who will be helping them.

If you know Molly or would like to send her family a message of support, there is a Facebook page set up:

Father, hear our prayer for the repose of Molly’s soul and for grace, healing, comfort, and consolation for all who love her.  Grant your mercy to the people who killed her and help us change the culture and laws of our country so this mad slaughter of innocents can end.  Mother Mary, pray for all concerned. We ask all this through your Son Jesus Christ.

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