Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests July 9, 2013

A reader writes:

I am presently in a mundane bureaucratic job that does not exactly utilize my God given skills and talents. Hence, I ask that you and your readers pray that I obtain a better job in which I may be able to do “God’s work” on earth and in which my skills and abilities are fully utilized.

Father, hear our prayer that your servant would find work that would allow him to pursue the vocation you call him to and use the gifts you have given him to the glory of your Name.  Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for him.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Another reader writes:

My husband of almost 10 years has informed me that he is no longer in love with me and he has feelings for another woman. We have three little ones, including a child with special needs. I have implored him to come home — he’s currently staying at his parents’ home — to work on our marriage. He is unwilling and/or unable to make the effort right now. I believe he may be severely depressed, based on his highly uncharacteristic behavior and several things he’s said to me, both now and in recent months. Please pray for him to seek help, to forget this other woman, and to come home and work on keeping our marriage and our family together. And please pray for patience and resilience for me, as I cope with all of this.

Father, hear our prayer that this man repent and return to his family and to abundant pardon and grace from you so that he may love his wife and children and grow in your love.  Help him to turn from this woman, come home, and find the happiness you intend for him in obedience to your Son. Give his wife grace, mercy, peace, strength, patience and resilience and protect their children from harm.  Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for them. We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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