Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests August 7, 2013

A reader writes:

I seem to be asking a lot, but I could use any prayers you can offer. The bad news in my life is never-ending I keep finding myself at my wits end. Frankly, I’m not sure I can last another month in my current trajectory much less another year of this emotional and financial hell I’m in. Sorry if it seems like I’m emailing you every month but I honestly don’t know what to do.

Father, hear our prayer that my reader find good and steady work and get out of the difficulties in which he currently finds himself.  Grant him peace and trust in your providence.  Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for him. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another reader writes:

I am writing to request prayers of your readers.  A former student – graduated in May – has been diagnosed with lung cancer. He is 19, oldest of 6 children, and instead of packing up for college he is fighting for his life. The illness came on very quickly and is very aggressive. He is in respiratory failure.  I have written the following  prayer that I have been circulating on facebook, and the young man’s story is on the caringbridge website:

Almighty God, please grant to your servant, Kyle, healing of body and soul. Endow his physicians and caregivers with skill and wisdom. Give strength to his parents to endure this challenge, and by your grace allow his suffering to be joined to that of your son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our Lady, Mother of Sorrows, St. Luke, patron of physicians, St. Peregrine, patron of cancer patients, and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Pray for Him!

Lord, hear our prayer!

Another reader writes:

I am asking for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sr. L. (SSSF), who I knew for years. She recently passed away and while we were two strong-minded women with different opinions on issues, I loved her tremendously and will miss her.  Pray also for her order, her extended family, and all those others whose lives she touched.

Also, a request for me. I am struggling to meet the demands of being a new mom (for the third time), caring for a house with four adults and the aforementioned young ones, and working full time and trying to go back to school to, ironically, pursue a career that will give me more time with my family. But it’s hard and I am also tired and crabby and there are days when I want to hop on the first random flight to wherever and just leave it all behind. I know that’s neither responsible nor wise, but some days the feeling of being overwhelmed is almost too much to bear.

Father, grant eternal light to the soul of Sr. L and bless all those whose lives she touched with the transforming grace of your Spirit.  Also, hear my reader’s prayer for the grace and strength to live her responsibilities to family and school.  Mother Mary and St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for her.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

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