Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests December 16, 2013

A reader writes:

A man I know in my parish is dealing with the death of his mother, who passed recently. Can we have prayers for both of them? Thanks.

Father, grant your son grace, peace, and consolation and help him cope with the death of his mother. Mother Mary, be mother to him. We ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Another reader writes:

I was hoping to request prayers for an elderly nun from my hometown. She was brutally assaulted (physically and sexually) by a teenager, and was just released from the hospital today. Here is a link to the story in the local news.

My mother actually taught at the school for St. Titus church before I was born.

Father, grant complete healing to this daughter of yours in body, soul, and spirit.  Grant, as well, that the kid who did this find mercy and justice, repent of his sin, and become your disciple.  Mother Mary and St. Maria Goretti, pray for them.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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