Prayer Request

Prayer Request May 9, 2014

A reader writes:

My wife Maureen died at the age of 42 last October. As i have journeyed through the fog of grief and beginning to come out to the other side. I find myself at a time in my life where I am discerning about coming a Priest. I would really be honored if I could have your simple prayers. For both healing and discernment for this next period of my life. Thanks!! Even if you don’t read it I know on some level you have already prayed for vocations at some point, so you are covered!:)

Father, grant this man grace, healing, love, faith, and hope and give him the gifts of the Holy Spirit necessary to discern whether you are calling him to the priesthood. Mother Mary and St. Jean Vianney, pray for him and for the repose of Maureen’s soul. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

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