Prolife Christians for Torture

Prolife Christians for Torture September 28, 2015

Carly Fiorina plays to the anti-abortion-but-not-prolife base that, as with the death penalty, spent vastly more energy making war on the bloody obvious teaching of the Church fighting *for* torture than fighting against abortion. Love for torture among allegedly “prolife” conservatives remains, to this day, a huge selling point for GOP candidates. And the most shameful and disgusting part is that self-identified “prolife” Catholics and Evangelicals outstrip the general American public in their zeal for torture.

It is this kind of filth, prolonged through thick and thin for over a decade by “prolife” Christians, that has done so much to make the prolife movement a byword for people who are genuinely uncomfortable with abortion, but who can plainly see that “conservative prolife” representatives are so very often only interested in the unborn has human shields for their real, and often profoundly anti-life agendas.

This is why the Pope’s message is so important. So far from dropping the ball on the prolife issue, what he really did was say, “Be *more* prolife! Be *consistently* prolife! Stop letting the prolife movement be co-opted in the service of agendas that are deeply anti-human, anti-Catholic, and anti-Christ.”

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