…you do not have to say a word in praise of Hillary’s evil policies. You can bash them all you like (and I do). Her support for abortion is evil (just like Trump’s). Her cynical ease with lying is repellent (just like Trump’s). Her bellicose ease with violence and war is wicked (just like Trump’s). Her shady associations are creepy (just like Trump’s).
But if you support Trump, you also are supporting evil she does not advocate such as torture, racism, misogyny, mockery of the disabled, mockery of POWs, and fiscal fantasism. You have to, like Mike Huckabee, say stuff like “We’re electing a President, not a pope” and chuck overboard your claims to be thinking with the mind of Christ in order to pretend that Trump has “grown in virtue” and “evolved” on abortion when the reality is that he has not changed a bit. You need to back him on *his* “non-negotiables” while abandoning your own.
I will be voting third party since Hillary won’t need my help to win Washington and the goal is to stop Trump, not help Hillary. But I will not fault any Catholic who takes Benedict XVI’s permission and votes to lessen the clearly greater evil posed by Trump.
The greatest of those evils is the fact that every single “prolife” Christian who supports him will invariably find that they must immediately abandon the fight against abortion and devote all their *real* energies to *his* non-negotiables of racism, misogyny, Mammon-worship, violence, and grinding the faces of the poor.