Fr. West doubles down

Fr. West doubles down June 14, 2016


Mark Shea supports #PlannedParenthood’s best friend #Hillary Clinton for President. He is counseling people in swing states to vote for her. He has touted her government experience and defends Hillary for her role in #Benghazi. He also agrees with Planned Parenthood that the Republicans should confirm pro-abortion Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

No. I support Joe Schriner for president. I have that luxury since Washington will vote for Hillary and needs no help from me. However, if I lived in a swing state, I would feel morally bound to vote for Hillary in accord with what Pope Benedict taught: “When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favour of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.” This is now the umpteenth time I have said this, but Fr. Peter continues to lie that I support Planned Parenthood instead of acknowledging the truth that my purpose is to lessen the greater evil Trump advocates, including support for abortion and Planned Parenthood.

I have spoken numerous times against the evils Hillary supports. Fr. Peter has not, as far as I know spoken a word against the evils Trump supports since endorsing him.

As to the rest, the fact is she has government experience, Trump has none and gives no indication he understands or likes the Constitution, much less the office he seeks. Re: Benghazi, put up or shut up. If she is guilty of something, then why has Congress done nothing about it. It looks to me like one of the more successful Panics du Jour. I will be interested to see how the email investigation pans out, and am inclined to think there may be more substance there, but what do I know?

As to Garland, you can, if you like hold up the appointment until Hillary is elected and get somebody worse if you like. Or you can (God forbid) get Trump to appoint a pro-Roe judge instead, along with all the other evils he will do. I just think that a prolife movement will generally fare better if it is not characterized by mindless irrational obstructionism.

Because the reality is that Roe will never ever ever overturned by either party. So it is wiser to start fighting abortion by other means than selling one’s soul to Donald Trump. He will destroy the last shreds of credibility of the prolife movement and it will get nothing in return.

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