The Non-Existent Prolife Policy Recommendation on Trump’s Site

The Non-Existent Prolife Policy Recommendation on Trump’s Site November 9, 2016

Steel Magnificat reported this morning that the prolife policy on Trump’s website has vanished.

Now it is being reported that there never was a prolife policy proposal on his website. Nor is there any mention of abortion under his health care or child care proposals.

Knock me over with a feather.

But that won’t keep “prolife” Trump supporters from overlooking this teeny flaw in his passionate “prolife conversion” and defending every right wing culture of death he champions, no matter how diametrically opposed to the Church’s teaching. Because it is what the anti-abortion-but-not-prolife movement has been doing for years. Fighting the Church and using the unborn as human shields is, somehow, what the wholly owned subsidiary of the GOP called the “prolife” movement keeps ending up doing. Whether it’s an unjust war, torture, the death penalty, contempt for refugees, denial of a just wage or defense of a sex predator, somehow the same mission creep sets in and the unborn get forgotten while these goals become the actual priority.

Or we could stop play Lucy/Charlie Brown football and just stop fighting the Church on behalf of these manipulators and focus our energy on fighting for the unborn.

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