Black is White, Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace

Black is White, Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace March 17, 2017

Sexual assault is locker room talk, microwaves are cameras, and sending hungry kids and old people away is compassion:

Crooks and liars, the lot of them. And this is what “faithful prolife” Catholics are now, in overwhelming numbers, committed to defending and eager to be remembered for. It will take a generation for the Church’s witness to be restored. And that generation will be a small one because “Real” Catholics have achieved one of their goals: they have alienated their children and are driving them away in huge numbers. For every one person who enters the Church, 6 leave. It is a perverse sickness that idolizes this thieving pagan con man while reviling the Holy Father and treating evangelization as just another form of illegal immigration and trying to drive away as many converts and fellow Catholics as possible.

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