Tomi Lahren has carved out a little niche for herself

Tomi Lahren has carved out a little niche for herself March 20, 2017

…as a conservative (and therefore conservative Christian) folk hero.  She’s said all the usual thing about contempt for and cruelty to the least of these that now constitute the gospel for the Republichristians and, of course, has received cheers from that demographic as a truth-telling babe, etc.

Now she has come out as pro-choice.

There was a time when I would have assumed that such a position would instantly alienate her from “prolife” conservative Christian.  I’m no longer confident of that.  I think the general reaction will now be, “Unfortunate.  But let’s not let that blind us to all the really good things she has to say about contempt for and cruelty to the least of these.”  She’s not going anywhere and she’s not going to lose her “prolife” Christian audience.

And that, in a nutshell, is everything wrong with the “prolife” movement.

The Religious Right are the people the Religious Right warned you about twenty years ago. – Russell Moore

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