Baby Christian and New Constantine American Christian Hero Trump

Baby Christian and New Constantine American Christian Hero Trump May 12, 2017

…just issued a blackmail threat to Comey:

This is actually happening and Rod Dreher gives the details.

Next up: Super Duper Real[TM] Christians fan out across St. Blog’s to cheer for authoritarian dictators who threaten blackmail against the people who were investigating them. Their talent for visible-from-space wrongness about everything will be more and more called to the fore as they isolate themselves from all ordinary human decency and common sense to continue defending their stupid choice to back this guy as God’s Anointed. When all the dust has settled, sane Christian will face the work of generations to restore respect for the gospel these lunatics have cast into utter disrepute with their insane new creed “There is no god but Trump and Hannity is his profit.”

Glenn Greenwald has remarked that Comey is not a man you want to make into a mortal enemy. My inclination is to suspect the rest of the intel community falls into that category as well.

Meanwhile, we now live in a country where (if the Prez is to be believed) all conversations in the Oval Office are bugged and he can threaten any member of the government with blackmail. All sane people reject this. Trump supporters, the enemies of common decency, the United States, and elementary Catholic moral teaching (except, of course, the moral geniuses who cheered for James O’Keefe and Lying and Spying for Jesus) naturally cheer for it.

The 33% who still think this guy their Dream Prez will never learn. There is nothing for it but to defeat them.

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