Help Send Some Beautiful Kids to School!

Help Send Some Beautiful Kids to School! August 14, 2017

Here is a work of mercy for some wonderful people:

The school age children in Kampala, Uganda are great. Every one of them. They are trim, happy, physically fit, very well-adjusted, and by simply looking in their eyes in photos, intelligence can be seen as is true with this photo.

Each term we do a fundraiser for those children who need a little financial help in order to attend school.

The public schools are tuition-free, but supplies, among other things that the children have to have in order to attend school, cost  more than some can afford.

For the school term beginning September 1st, the fundraiser goal to enable all children the volunteers know to be in need is $2,500.

On behalf of the kids, thank you for making a donation now. God Bless you and all in your family.

Please help if you can!

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