A Chance to Do a Work of Mercy

A Chance to Do a Work of Mercy January 4, 2018

Charlie Camosy writes:

I have some terrible and heartbreaking news to share about my friend and colleague Beth Haile. Several of you who are on my Facebook feed know her. For those of you who don’t, she is one of the best people around and light to anyone who meets her.

In the last few days, some of us have received news that she has an inoperable brain tumor. After several consultations and opinions, she seems likely to have a very short time to live.

The tumor was only discovered in November, right before her 4th child was born. She is already experiencing rapid decline, and is off email. She and her family are going to be with her family for the time being in Charleston, South Carolina where she will get medical treatment. But the best physicians are hoping for is slowing the pace of decline.

This is absolutely devastating news, not least because of the admirable stand Beth made in giving up her job as a professor of moral theology to support her children in “her other full-time job.” You can read about that courageous decision here

Please pray for a miracle for Beth (perhaps calling on the intercession of St. Jude), and for support (of all kinds) for her family. And if you feel so inclined, please support them financially via the GoFundMe link here. Her husband has had to take unpaid leave from work, and the medical (and other bills) are going to mount quickly. They need all the help they can get.

You guys always amaze me with your generosity. Please help Beth and her family in this shattering time. And don’t forget to pray. The prayer of the righteous availeth much.

Father, hear our prayer for Beth’s complete healing in body, soul, and spirit. Give her caregivers grace, compassion, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, skill, creativity, insight, understanding, and the proper technology to assist in her healing and give her and all who love her grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love. Mother Mary, St. Luke, Dymphna, St. Elizabeth, and St. Peregrine, pray for her and all who love her. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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