Prayer Request

Prayer Request July 5, 2011

A reader writes:

I have a prayer request, if you would be willing to share it, for a very special little boy named Noah. His story is not on Snopes, it is sadly very real. Noah lived a very typical life until this past January when his parents found him non-responsive. He has a rare seizure disorder and doctors have been trying to help him since that time. He has responded slowly to treatment but took a difficult turn today (the 4th). I don’t know if you can share this, but the family is passionately requesting prayers for Noah.

Father, hear our prayer for Noah’s complete healing and grant skill and compassion to his caregivers. Give grace, peace, strength and consolation to his family and let this issue in their joy and your glory through Christ our Lord. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for them! Amen!

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