May 5, 2009

In which we discover that consequentialism *always* has consequences and Mephistopheles always has the last laugh on Faust. Read more

May 5, 2009

In which we talk about that fact that Christianity does not preach “life after death”. Pagans believed in that. Christianity preaches life after life after death. Read more

May 5, 2009

Whew. If this had been a boxing match, the ref would have stopped the fight. But Carlin’s bizarre and ridiculous argument deserves every punch Policratus lands. When is the Religious Right in this country going to wake up and realize that it is making itself seriously stupid in the defense of the Bush/Cheney torture regime? The incredible spectacle of the prolife movement pouring its waning resources down *that* rathole is mind-boggling. I think the the fever can only be broken... Read more

May 5, 2009

Welcome back, Father! Read more

May 5, 2009

This is funny. Several people have been remarking to me about this witty entry in Amy Welborn’s comboxes. Some people are taking it as a spoof on the hypocrisy of consequentialist arguments made in defense of abortion. Others are reading it as a spoof on the hypocrisy of consequentialist arguments made in defense of torture. I think it’s a spoof on the hypocrisy of consequentialist arguments. Read more

May 5, 2009

This is funny. Several people have been remarking to me about this witty entry in Amy Welborn’s comboxes. Some people are taking it as a spoof on the hypocrisy of consequentialist arguments made in defense of abortion. Others are reading it as a spoof on the hypocrisy of consequentialist arguments made in defense of torture. I think it’s a spoof on the hypocrisy of consequentialist arguments. Read more

May 5, 2009

Here is an extremely cool art project by some brilliant chick in England. Read more

May 5, 2009

Here is an extremely cool art project by some brilliant chick in England. Read more

May 5, 2009

…here’s a yummy recipe from one of my readers who happens to be an authentic Texan! Check thou it out! Read more

May 5, 2009

…to make it All About You. Preach it, Father! One of the things love about my parish is that, for the most part, we have been spared priests who try to make the Mass about them and their funny, charming, gifted, wounded healer, brilliant, talented and theologically creative selves. Give us priest who take seriously the meaning of “alter Christus” rather than priests whose every gestures is “Hey! Look at me!” Read more

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