January 26, 2009

First, he writes me: Here’s a typically silly media-meets-church article on the Pope’s new YouTube channel. My favorite line: For the Vatican, it was the latest effort to keep up to speed with the rapidly changing field of communications and new media. For a 2,000-year-old institution known for being very set in its ways, it was something of a revolution. OMG, THA CHUCH HAZ INTERNETS!!!1!!?? One gets the impression that Vatican officials posting things online is something akin to a... Read more

January 26, 2009

Update: Too bad. Looks like a scam. Read more

January 26, 2009

If you’d be so kind, please direct your legion of readers to the Rosaries for Life website as the 72 day “Conversion of America” novena starts on the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. The novena ends on April 6th, at the beginning of Holy Week. Also, people can sign up to provide prayer support for America and the unborn for the next four years (1490 rosaries) if they see fit. Read more

January 26, 2009

His Vigil will be at Blessed Sacrament 7 PM tomorrow. The funeral will be the next day (same place) at 10 AM. Get there early for both because I think it will be extremely crowded: a beautiful testimony to a man much loved. I’ve already started to ask his intercession. Santo subito! Read more

January 26, 2009

Obama has done a very evil thing and a very good thing. As you knew he would he declares open season on innocent children. God willing, this is as far as he carried his pro-abort zeal and FOCA will languish. But we can just coast on hope. The Church calls us to act. And, he simultaneously orders an end to torture and prisoner abuse as a policy of these United States. Dear Friends: We hope you’ve heard the good news... Read more

January 26, 2009

Just because something is unconscious doesn’t meant it’s “hardwired” (i.e, genetic). Fifty years ago, an average southern white would have called his black neighbor “boy” without a second thought and (very often) without any intention of malice. It was just an unconscious prejudice. Fifty years and a whole lot of consciousness-raising later, people rightly recognize that this belittlement of human dignity is wicked. Unconsciously held notions have exerted tremendous influence on people all through history without being “hardwired” in the... Read more

January 26, 2009

Of course, there are rumors (which I will neither confirm nor deny) that Hollywood is buzzing about Manalive, but modesty (not to mention sanity) forbids we boast too much until we’ve, y’know, shot the first frame of it. Speaking of which, Dale Ahlquist writes: We have found a wife for you. Joey and I were in Savannah this weekend, and held auditions. We cast the rest of the movie, including the role of Mary Grey aka Mrs. Innocent Smith. She’s... Read more

January 26, 2009

Grrr… Another year, another media blackout of the March for life. The only story I found about it in mainstream media was on a local DC news site. The Headline: March for life leads to more road closures. How much longer do we have to go simply being obedient to the tastes and preferences of the chattering classes? How long before we can make life very uncomfortable for our news media and politicians (on both sides of the isle)? I... Read more

January 26, 2009

New blog! Read more

January 22, 2009

Hey Dallas area readers! Don’t forget! Phone the neighbors and wake the kids! January 24 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. St. Anthony parish, Wylie TX. Topics: 101 Reasons Not to Be Catholic, This is My Body, Making Senses Out of Scripture. In the words of Samuel Goldwyn, “Don’t miss it if you can.” This means I will be on the road tomorrow, so I’ll see all y’all on Monday! Read more

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