Review: Dark Goddess Craft

Review: Dark Goddess Craft August 5, 2017

Stephanie Woodfield’s Dark Goddess Craft: A Journey through the Heart of Transformation is a great book for anyone interested in Dark Goddesses or the tougher areas of personal development. It is well written and easy to follow. The spells, rituals and invocations are very creative and the author has a great talent at introducing concepts and goddesses with simplicity and a very entertaining writing style.

The book is well written, has some great ideas and is full of beautifully written intros to each goddess, which can be viewed as both a meditation to meet them as well as creating a great scene to portray the essence of those goddesses. Woodfield provides a quick run down of each goddess, their myths and histories and then provides an invocation and a spell or ritual or two. My biggest complaint is that the book isn’t long enough. Each goddess is given a great introduction and how to work with them. The main theme of the book is placed upon transformation of the self and viewing the goddesses as allies along the way.

The book provides enough of a basis to seek out deeper works on each individual goddess and a great springboard for learning about and building a stronger relationship with each one that you meet. What I really liked about this book was that Woodfield presents the Dark Goddesses in a manner that I resonate with. Some people get lost in the idea of Dark Goddesses being this almost demonic-like goddesses or an excuse to do whatever they want using the “darkness” of the goddess as validation for that. This is not how Woodfield presents them. She presents them respectfully and tastefully and anyone who works with Dark Goddesses know, they help you to become the best version of yourself and a better citizen of the world itself, usually invoking compassion in a person instead of revenge. This is a fantastic addition to anyone’s library and I really want Woodfield to continue writing books as she is insanely creative, has a talent for research and writing. I look forward to seeing what she does next.


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