McNamara’s Blog Gets Darted!

McNamara’s Blog Gets Darted! February 3, 2009

Yesterday I learned that the Premio Dardo blog award has been bestowed on McNamara’s Blog. Many thanks to Pentimento, whose lovely blog I admire for doing one of the noblest things we can: “working to create a culture of love and beauty on the web.” She kindly describes McNamara’s Blog as a “reverent treasure trove of lore about Catholic life in nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century America.” Now if I understand the rules correctly, I’m supposed to pass an award on to fifteen other bloggers whose work I admire:

  1. The Deacon’s Bench: I have to start with my “Blogfather,” Deacon Greg Kandra, who encouraged me to start this blog, and who showed me that blogs can actually be a form of ministry.
  2. New Advent: Kevin Knight’s website is a great clearinghouse for Catholic blogs. Its other resources, including the 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia, are absolutely invaluable.
  3. Dominican History: The Dominican Fathers have a great blog dealing with the history of their order, replete with videos, online lectures, oral histories, great pictures and great stories.
  4. Whispers in the Loggia: Indispensable for current happenings at the highest levels of Church governance. I add my voice to the choir of thousands: “Where does he get this stuff?”
  5. Charlotte was Both: I don’t know how Amy Welborn does it all: journalist, author, pioneer blogger, wife, mother. But she does it. And she does it very well.
  6. Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit: Lots of interesting Jesuit stuff, past and present. If he didn’t do it, who would?
  7. Roman Catholic Vocations: If you’re going to promote vocations these days, you sure as h-e-double-hockey-sticks better have a blog. Always inspiring stuff on this one!
  8. The Anchoress: I just like this lady’s blog an awful lot. I mean, to take the name the Anchoress: what a super idea! Really!
  9. Pontifications: by journalist and author David Gibson Thoughtful, intelligent and compassionate.
  10. Happy Catholic: Just because people need to know it’s fun being Catholic!
  11. Bronx Catholic: For Gotham Catholics, this will help non-Bronxers learn more about the People of God in Yankeeland. Please… more pics!
  12. Brooklyn Catholic: This blog looks at Catholic Churches in Brooklyn. Thank you, Brooklyn Catholic!
  13. Catholic Churches of Manhattan: There’s a lot of beautiful churches with great histories on this island. This blog highlights them. Thank you!
  14. A Nun’s Life: You’d think there would be more blogs like this on the web. So far, this is the only I’ve found that really works for me.
  15. Pentimento: A true Catholic humanist. Once again, thanks for the interest and support!

If I’ve violated any of the rules, I apologize. But I do want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the people whose work I admire an awful lot.

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