Catholics in the Military: Lieutenant Augustine F. Hewit, U.S.A. (1857-1882)

Catholics in the Military: Lieutenant Augustine F. Hewit, U.S.A. (1857-1882) June 19, 2014

Lieut. Augustine F. Hewit, of the United States Army, died on Saturday in San Antonio, Texas, under peculiary sad circumstances. The deceased  was a Lieutenant of the Twenty-second Infantry, stationed at San Antonio,  and was 25 years of age. He was born in Connecticut, and was appointed  a Cadet in the West Point Academy by Gen. Grant, his father , Dr. Henry S. Hewit, being at the time a surgeon on Gen. Grant’s staff. After graduation  he was sent out with the Twenty-second Infantry to take part in the campaign  against the Modoc Indians. Subsequently removing with his regiment to  Texas, he became acquainted with Col. Branten Duncan, an ex-Confederate  Army officer, and formed a warm attachment for the latter’s daughter Katherine,  who reciprocated this affection. It was arranged some months ago that their marriage should take place on June 5, but the young soldier was taken ill with remittent fever, and grew rapidly worse. He was taken to Col. Duncan’s  house, and there was tenderly nursed by his affianced. On Saturday, he  having failed rapidly, in deference to the wishes of both himself and Miss  Duncan, a marriage was performed by the Rev. Father Johnson. Mr. Hewit lived but a few hours thereafter, and died with his wife and father-in-law  at his bedside, each holding one of his hands. The news of his death was  telegraphed to his mother in Bridgeport, Conn., and to other relatives at the North. Lieut. Hewit’s funeral will take place on Tuesday, in San Antonio.  Lieut. Hewit’s uncle is one of the Paulist Fathers, his father is a physician,  and his grandfather was a Presbyterian clergyman.

The New York Times, June 6, 1882

NOTE: Lt. Hewit’s uncle was his namesake, the Rev. Augustine Hewit (1822-1897), one of the founding members of the Paulist Fathers, and second superior general of the community. He has been featured several times in McNamara’s Blog.


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