I’m excited to announce that my first book, How Jesus Saves the World From Us: 12 Antidotes To Toxic Christianity, is available for pre-order on Amazon. It will release April 18th, 2016. I’m super grateful for everyone’s support! I hope that this book will contribute to the movement of so many American Christians who really want to represent Jesus better. The following are the endorsements I’ve received for my book so far.
Powerful. Provocative. And true. Morgan Guyton makes the startling and convincing case that Jesus came to save the world from us — human beings who have the propensity to pervert Good News into Bad Rules. With passion and wit, Guyton turns Jesus message back around to a radical way of justice for the world. If you’ve been tempted to dump Christianity, give this book the chance to convert you to the possibility of a deeper life in and with God. –Diana Butler Bass, authorGrounded: Finding God in the World — A Spiritual Revolution
Morgan Guyton’s new book is intelligent, passionate, insightful, challenging, and a compelling read. It will jolt you out of comfortable but confining Christian ruts and help you be healed from twelve common and dangerous religious toxins. It’s strong and needed medicine!–Brian D. McLaren, author/speaker/activist (brianmclaren.net)
Morgan Guyton is helping heal a Christianity that has become infected with the pathogens of American culture. As Morgan prescribes antidotes for a toxic Christianity, he does so with keen insight and crisp writing. More importantly, Morgan does all of this with the grace and humility of one who genuinely loves the church and longs for her well-being. I am grateful for Morgan Guyton’s important and timely voice. –Brian Zahnd, Pastor of Word of Life Church, St. Joseph, Missouri, Author of A Farewell To Mars
Morgan Guyton’s new book, “How Jesus Saves the World From Us” is one of the most refreshing books I’ve come across in some time. Guyton takes on the prominent toxic, modern-day distortions of Christianity and lays out a compelling vision for what the world could be like if Christians would finally begin to follow Christ. His explorations of what it looks like to be a faithful Christ-follower will be convicting to everyone who reads them, but at the same time, you will find yourself being enraptured again with the person of Jesus and his radical vision for the renewal of our world. This book made me want to become a Christian again. Guyton’s first book is truly transformative. May it be the first of many more to come. –Brandan Robertson, Writer, Activist, Speaker, The Nomad Blog on Patheos
In this book Morgan Guyton shares his tremendous ability to reframe familiar and often polarizing categories with insight illumined by Scripture and human experience to invite, and even provoke, his readers to participate in God’s reign with renewed compassion. –Laceye C. Warner, Associate Professor of the Practice of Evangelism and Methodist Studies, Duke University Divinity School
With insight born of profound personal experience and deep theological reflection, the author leads the reader on a transforming journey into the heart of the Christian gospel. He artfully challenges conventional distortions of core doctrines while respecting those who may differ from his interpretations. Groups and individuals seeking to understand and live as faithful Christian disciples will find How Jesus Saves the World from Us a much needed guide for continuing the journey toward the fullness of salvation. –Kenneth Carder, United Methodist bishop (retired)
I’m pretty sure that Morgan Guyton doesn’t stray far from the monkey bars, because How Jesus Saves the World from Us looks at so many familiar texts upside down. Guyton lets the pages flutter until they make more sense inside out. His perspective swings with life and the unexpected, so that I can’t wait for the world to be saved from me.–Carol Howard Merritt, Author of Tribal Church and Healing Spiritual Wounds