Thankful Tuesday: Ring-bearers and the rest

Thankful Tuesday: Ring-bearers and the rest October 16, 2012

Can we just start by saying that I love dressing my boys up in bow-ties  even if they complain and refuse to smile for pictures. Also, I love that August made it all the way down the aisle at cheetah-fast speed (as he would say) even though Brooksie didn’t quite make it past the trees on the grassy walk before the aisle began. Will you just imagine with me the “Here comes the bride” sign the boys were supposed to carry together (an idea August gave up on and took over a few steps into their long walk)? The whole night was wonderful (if you minus my dramatic fall down the stairs) and I spent the whole time astounded that I could love and be loved by so many people in that room. This move has been so good to remind me of what a gift we have in our San Francisco community. 

  • I’m thankful for Caitlin, who loves my boys and welcomed them into her wedding.
  • I’m thankful that after 8 years of marriage, my husband is still my favorite wedding reception dance partner.
  • For Chris’ great aunt and uncle, who opened their home to us and all our crazy this past weekend.
  • For my lovely sister in law, who gave up her weekend of college awesomeness to spend time with us and watch her little nephews. So grateful she loves them the way she does.
  • For the way a city forces you out into the world. I love walking with my boys down sidewalks past every kind of person.
  • For a hot chocolate (not too warm!) split in half for the boys at the coffee shop.
  • For amazing conversations with August and his crazy wild imagination. (Yesterday he told me he has rubber penguins in his palms that shoot rocket power out of his hands. I’m not sure what that means but it makes me happy.)
  • For a lease signed and a FINAL moving date scheduled. Soon! Soon.


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