It’s been a loooooong time since Thankful Tuesday peeked his little head out of hibernation. Consider this to be a groundhog day of sorts. Mr. Groundhog is coming out and looking for his shadow. And then going back into the warm den. I can’t guarantee how long it’ll be before I’m back and yapping away around here, but the end of my quiet-blog season is up ahead. I hope. I think.
I just wanted to say hi and I’m thankful. So many things have been piling up and I feel like sharing them.
Here’s my list:
- My little boy starts Kindergarten in two weeks and he’s busting out with the craziest big kid sayings lately, as if on cue. Yesterday to Chris when it was time to switch on the vacuum: “Hit it, bro.” (What?) and to the piece of paper about to be sucked up: “Are you ready to go to your new home, paper?” (Cannot handle it.)
- I’m thankful that we can buy a new backpack and school supplies
- For tomatoes. Tomatoes everywhere. All over my counter. I’ve been waiting all year and now I’m gorging myself on beautiful, sweet tomatoes!
- For friends who are walking through the book-writing process with me as the deadline approaches. Friends who are helping me revise. And friends who are stepping in to help care for my kids while I’m revising. And friends who are praying with me through this. You know who you are, people! I feel like I’m being held up in so many beautiful ways.
- I’m thankful for my grandmother who turned 92 last week.
- Eggs for dinner. I love eggs for dinner. How did I go so long without realizing how happy it makes my family to eat a big, cheesy omelet for dinner?
- I’m thankful for the artist/neighbor type who turned various tree stumps into tiny, mini playgrounds in our neighborhood. See below:
- For the reminder from a friend that success is not about how perfect my book is. I will make myself crazy if I’m writing this with “success” in mind. Following Christ is not about success. It’s about love. I wrote it big in my kitchen so I won’t forget…
- For my suuuuuper sweet old lady, orthopedic house shoes. They are gonna change my life, y’all.
- For foggy, windy days in the SF summer. For how happy the wind made my son and his shark kite this past Sunday…
What about you? What are you thankful for today?